Monk Mindset

Want harmony in your hectic life?

Design your days based on the wisdom of ancient monks.

From Harvard, Oxford and investment banking to 7 years as a monk, John organizes his experience into this step-by-step guide for living a Monk Mindset schedule.

Learn & Live the 7 Principles of Monastic Wisdom

Principles for Daily Life

1. Meditation & Prayer: Show Up and Receive the Light

2. Family & Community: Commit to Family Rituals

3. Work & Study: Be More Human at Work

4. Self-Care: Refresh without Indulging

Principles for Transformation

5. Love is Your Purpose: Choose Love, Especially When you don’t Feel Like It

6. Detachment: Seek Nothing to Find Everything

7. Discerning Decisions: Discern Carefully, Commit Confidently

Clean, simple and actionable.

Takes less than 3 min to read.
We won’t waste your time or your inbox.

If you want more peace and productivity in your daily life, learn how to harmonize your work and personal life from the ancient wisdom of Christian monks.

Access the Newsletter

The weekly newsletter comes with

1 Principle of Monk Mindset

1 Quote to live out the principle

How to put it into practice this week


This newsletter is practical in its guidance, while also encouraging and supportive. I find John’s insight to be a rare fusion of contemplative and motivational and I look forward to reading, digesting and applying it every week!

- Jen H.

You’re offering—in this weekly note—something beautiful for folks like me. Thank you; I appreciate the time and attention you are investing in it.

- Mark P.

These really are great!  So glad you’re writing these. Keep it up, please!

- Michael F.

Hi, I’m John Cannon…

I did a lot of different things before I was a monk.

I helped companies raise lots of money as an investment banker, got important bills passed when I worked in politics, and got fancy degrees from Harvard and Oxford.

I relentlessly chased success and pleasure but it was destroying me and the people around me.

Then, I had an intense spiritual experience that changed everything.

Soon, I left it all to join a monastery, where I lived for over 7 years with only limited contact with the outside world.

I eventually discerned out of the monastery and started SENT Ventures, where I’ve been fortunate to help hundreds of busy founders and CEOs build routine, peace, and meaning into their careers and personal lives.

Through Monk Mindset, I’ve distilled the lessons from being a monk and an executive coach to now help busy professionals, parents, and students transform hectic life into harmony.

Will you join me on this journey?

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