How to Avoid Decisions Rooted in Fear

Monk Mindset for Living Well

Monk Mindset 7

Discerning Decisions: Discern Carefully, Commit Confidently


Reflection on the Monk Mindset & Quote

Have you ever made a decision motivated by fear?

I have. Plenty of times. 

Whether its a fear of failure; fear of disappointing someone; fear rooted in a childhood wound… 

Allowing fear to drive our decisions is common. But fear is not of God. So, making a decision rooted in fear is typically not in accord with our flourishing, with what’s best for us. 

St. Teresa of Avila, the 16th century nun and mystic, encourages us to find an interior place where nothing frightens us, nothing disturbs us. 

Next time you’re making a decision – whether big or small – look internally to understand why you’re making the decision. 

Is it based on hope, trust, confidence, joy? Or is the decision based in fear?

If a decision is based in fear, you can decide to rationally override the fear – even though it may be uncomfortable – to make a decision based on trust and hope. 


Put It Into Practice This Week

Think of a decision you’re currently trying to make. Close your eyes and look internally. What are your true motivations for either decision?

If one of the motivations is based in fear, be very skeptical of that decision. 

Instead, imagine making the decision rooted in hope. Bask in the confidence this decision brings to you and allow this confidence to give you courage to make the decision against fear. 


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