Should You Schedule Recreation?

Monk Mindset for Living Well

Monk Mindset 2

Commit to Family Rituals: Family and Community


Reflection on the Monk Mindset & Quote

St. Teresa of Avila founded convents of cloistered contemplative nuns. However, she knew that to be fully alive as humans the sisters needed intentional time in community together – not just in quiet prayer. So, she scheduled one hour of community recreation time for every hour of quiet prayer the sisters had.

When I was in the monastery, we typically had recreation after dinner and before night prayer (usually for about 30 minutes). We’d often go for a walk together, throw the frisbee, or sometimes even play a little ping pong. 

This created a levity and a bit of fun in an otherwise rather focused day of work and prayer. This recreation time was built into the schedule every evening. If we didn’t have it scheduled, we’d probably just come up with excuses to just be alone or catch up on a little work. Instead, we didn’t have to think about it – just to show up and enjoy each other’s company.  


Put It Into Practice This Week

Do you have scheduled recreation time with meaningful people in your life, especially family and close friends? If there's one meaningful person in your life you don’t recreate with enough, schedule a time right now to recreate with them. Even if it’s just throwing the frisbee. 

P.S. To see a video I recorded of the brothers in the monastery I lived in throwing the frisbee, check this out!


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