Ancient Monastic Technique for Spiritual “Hydration”
Monk Mindset for Living Well
Monk Mindset 1
Show Up and Receive the Light: Prayer and Meditation
Reflection on the Monk Mindset & Quote
Macarius, one of the pillars of early Christian monasticism was once approached by a younger monk who sought his guidance: "Abba, how should I pray?" Abba Macarius took the young monk to a well in the desert, drew some water and handed it to him. As the younger monk drank, Abba Macarius said, "Prayer is like this water. Just as you cannot live without water, you cannot live without prayer. It is essential for your soul."
The monk looked puzzled, so Abba Macarius continued, "Imagine a day in the desert without water. How thirsty and weak you would feel. In the same way, without prayer, your soul becomes parched and weak. Prayer is the water that nourishes and sustains your soul. It is as necessary for your spiritual life as water is for your physical life."
Abba Macarius then said, "Just as you drink water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated, you should pray throughout the day to keep your soul connected to God. Do not wait until you are in dire need; make prayer a regular part of your life."
Put It Into Practice This Week
Try to build a habit of taking small “sips” of prayer throughout the day. You can schedule 5 min reminders for yourself, set phone alarms at key times, or find another way to reconnect throughout the day.
Even a couple minutes of prayer at key times throughout the day will help you stay spiritually hydrated.
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