The Secret to Mend Fractured Relationships
Monk Mindset for Living Well
Family and Community: Commit to Family Rituals
Reflection on the Monk Mindset & Quote
Community and family life is hard. I don’t care who you are.
One time in the monastery, I was particularly struggling with one brother for months. There always seemed to be some friction and frustration between us. I decided for an entire week to just pray intentionally for him, for his well being, for good things for him. I didn’t tell him or anyone else about this. I just did it.
And you know what? By the end of that week, something broke through and suddenly, almost miraculously, things were pretty good between us. Normal, easy, kind.
It seems so basic and almost too easy. But if you struggle with a relationship, just start praying for that person and genuinely wishing well for them. If that’s hard – and with serious hurt it can be – pray for the grace to forgive. Or, if all you can do is ask in prayer that one day you may be able to genuinely pray for that person – even that is enough.
Put It Into Practice This Week
Who is one person in your life you have a strained relationship with or feel alienated from?
Right now, before you forget, close your eyes and pray for them or wish them well for 1 minute.
Try to do it again later this week.
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