Monastic Exercise to Improve Self-Awareness

Monk Mindset for Living Well

Monk Mindset 7

Discern Carefully, Commit Confidently: Making Decisions


Reflection on the Monk Mindset & Quote

When I was in the monastery, every night before going to bed, I’d kneel on the cold tile floor and lean against my simple bed made from an old wooden door. 

I’d perform a meditative exercise called an “examination of conscience” in which you reflect meditatively on the day in order to improve the next day, and each day thereafter. 

Athletes watch the “game tape” of their own games to learn where they performed well, made mistakes, and how they can improve. If athletes do this for a game, why can’t we do it for real life?

This meditation each night only took about 5 minutes and it was a game-changer for me.

Here are the steps to the exercise: 

  1. Invite God’s presence.

Ask God to show you what you need to understand about yourself that day. He will show you.

2. Review your day like the game tape.

Let your mind gradually glance over the day. Listen to your emotions and interior stirrings, especially where you feel negative or positive emotions. 

3. Where did God show up?

This may be a joy from the day, something you did well, where someone helped you, or some other blessing from the day. Make note of this and give gratitude. You’ll start to see patterns over time. 

4. How did you turn away from God, others, or yourself?

Make note of these times. Notice especially what led up to you turning away from your flourished self. 

5. Make resolutions

Make a resolution to act more in accord with your flourishing the next time you're presented with similar circumstances. 

If you start following this playbook, you’ll notice that you’ll increasingly be aware at any given moment of how you want to behave. Then you are empowered to choose IN THE MOMENT, what best leads to your flourishing.

Put It Into Practice This Week

Tonight, while it’s fresh, if you’re not already doing this, give this exercise – the Examination of Conscience – a shot. Just 5 minutes :) .


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